
Archery Team
 Archery Team
Fickbohm, competing in the Bullseye Tournament posted a score of 294 with 24 perfect tens.
His performance bettered 1,011 other boys competitors, and earned him a $1,500 scholarship prize.
His showing also qualified him for the National Tournament to be held in Louisville, Kentucky in May. 
 Wyatt Fickbohm Archery State Champion
 Competing for WC during the tournament in Bullseye were the following: Ethan Jessen (277), Hope Demarest (263),Noah Lacek (261), Boden Biggerstaff (261), Tanner Bell (255), Everett Ruher (253), Lydia Bracy (249),
Katlynn Fetterman (246), Lakin Brosamle (232), Noah O'Mara (224), Livvy Brosamle (206).
State Qualifiers